According to international scientists, about 10000 varieties of it are present on our earth but if we look at it from the point of view of business, only about 5 varieties of mushroom exist which are Button Mushroom, Paddy Straw, Special Mushroom, Medicinal Mushroom, Dhingari, or Oyster Mushroom respectively. Button mushroom is most preferred among them, Button Mushroom, Paddy Straw, Dhingari, or Oyster Mushroom are the three varieties that give maximum yield.
What Is Mushroom Farming?
Mushroom is grown by making a room or farm inside mushroom farming and packing it is sold in the market and after this business, a farm is made and then cultivated.
Before cultivating mushrooms, first of all, take information about it and you should take training about this business such as which method you use for mushroom cultivation, how to do your business after producing mushrooms for your marketing. What will be the plans then start the business step to step?
Get Training In Mushroom Farming
If you want to start Mushroom Farming, first of all, you should take information about it, and training is necessary to get information. Today, many centers have been opened in India where Mushroom Farming Training is given, he can also go there and take a few days of training.
Make A Farm
After taking training, prepare the land if you have empty rooms available but they are of no use. So such rooms can be used to cultivate mushrooms, but if you are thinking of doing business on a large level, then a big farm is made.
Prepare Compost Manure
Compost manure is the most important thing in mushroom cultivation. Compost manure can be made through money or wheat straw, for this, you have to take about 1450 liters of water, in which you add 1.5 kg of formalin and 150 grams of Beavstein Soak 1 quintal and 50 kg of straw, after which this mixture is kept covered for some time, this process is done so that the straw is purified. Purification of the straw is very important if the straw is not pure then the mushrooms Will not be produced properly.
Mushroom Sowing
After the straw is ready for the mushroom, remove the straw and dry it in the air so that its moisture is removed, then that first put the straw in these polythene bags filled in polythene bags of size 16 by 18. Give, after that sprinkle mushroom grains, after this, once again apply a layer of straw on these grains, then sprinkle mushroom grains on top of this layer and sow such a mushroom.
Keeping The Mushroom Safe From The Air
After sowing the mushroom, close the bag inside the room and leave the room closed for 15 days, after 15 days it can be vented so now open the door, As well as arrange a fan in the room, so that these mushrooms can get air, after 15 days the white color of the mushrooms can be seen.
Harvest Mushrooms
Mushroom harvest takes 30 to 40 days, after which it is harvested, harvested, and packed inside its packing box and can be sold in the market.
Mushroom Seeds Price
The price of mushroom seed is around 75 to 100 rupees per kilogram. All brands have different rates, so you have to first decide what kind of mushroom you want to grow.
Investment Or Cost Required For Mushroom Farming
Investment for this business depends on the business because if you start a big business, more investment is required and less investment has to be done within the small business. Will have to spend money to make it. Apart from this, it will also cost to use pesticides. If you start a small business, you can apply from 10 thousand rupees to 50 thousand rupees. At the same time, for big business, you have to invest 1 lakh rupees to 10 lakh rupees.
Mushroom Farming Profit Margin
If you start a business in 100 sqm, then you can get a profit of around 1 lakh rupees to 5 lakhs every year, but if you use good technology, you can earn more rupees.
Kalpesh Pathak
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